Technologies & Facilities


Technologies & Facilities

Communities can create environmental and economic benefits and local employment opportunities from the waste stream.  ACI is developing its municipal scale anaerobic organic waste processing facility in Charles County Maryland to accomplish this goal.  The breakdown of organic waste in a state of the art anaerobic digester turns the waste into two primary commodities that provide economic benefit to the community.  First, the facility will produce Compost, a valuable soil amendment that sequesters carbon, helps retain moisture and nutrients in soils and reduces erosion. Secondly, the facility will repurpose the methane gas generated by organic biomass decomposition to generate electricity using  gas turbine combustion to power county facilities and residences.  

The first phase of our operations is a facility that incorporates an end to end organic waste management solution capable of converting wet waste into compost. We provide this technology without the need for any skilled labor and use minimum energy. This facility provides a laboratory for immediate compost production, jobs and technical skills development for our employees and academic partners.

In this phase, our EcoBot processor converts ½ ton of commercial and agricultural organic waste, animal manure and household wet organic food scraps diverted from the municipal waste stream into 100 pounds of dry organic compost in 24 hours. Our engineering partner Compostology has licensed AgriCompost to use and distribute this innovative technology to bring high capacity compost production to the greater Baltimore-Washington region

Our longer term vision expands our compost programs to include Solar, Wind and other innovative waste to energy projects. Each of the technologies we develop will result in:

  • Direct job creation at composting/processing facilities

  • Consumer and Municipal waste management savings

  • Green infrastructure low impact development such as rain gardens, green roofs, vegetated retaining walls and blighted urban lot repurposing, and compost blankets to control soil erosion

  • New green supporting enterprises and additional jobs

  • An entire new industry of contractors who use compost and compost-based products for green infrastructure

  • Cumulative money circulation in the local economy through new spending and tax revenues